Php Artisan Make Key Generate

Posted : admin On 26.05.2020

You can generate a key by the following command: php artisan key:generate The key will be written automatically in your.env file. APPKEY=YOURGENERATEDKEY If you want to see your key after generation use -show option. Php artisan key:generate -show Note: The.env is a hidden file in your project folder. May 08, 2018  php artisan migrate Step 4. Generate keys. This command will create the encryption keys needed to generate secure access tokens. In addition, the command will create. Php artisan stub:publish. The published stubs will be located within a stubs directory in the root of your application. Any changes you make to these stubs will be reflected when you generate their corresponding classes using Artisan make commands. Nov 25, 2019  php artisan migrate Generate a new Laravel application key. So i have check that directory.env file is not there but.env.example file only there so i created that file and update database name, database username, database password after that 'php artisan key:generate' command is worked that key was generated above 32 characters and its get base64:somethingsstrings with above 32 characters i think.

I’m trying out the PHP micro Framework Lumen (from Laravel).

One of my first steps was to look into the .env.example file and make a copy of it to have my .env file. There is a variable APP_KEY just like there is in Laravel. Now I tried out the simple command php artisan key:generate to get my new key But I ran into the following error message:

[InvalidArgumentException] There are no commands defined in the “key”

Does some one know how I can generate keys for Lumen?

Update with solution

So I found my favorite solution for this problem. On the command line (Linux) I run php -r 'echo md5(uniqid()).'n';' what gives me something like this 7142720170cef01171fd4af26ef17c93.

If you are going to use Lumen more often, you may want to create an alias in your .bashrc, which is located in your home directory /home/USERNAME. To do so, you can open the file with nano ~/.bashrc or vi ~/.bashrc and copy the following alias at the end of the file, alias phpkey='php -r 'echo md5(uniqid()).'n';'. Now you can use the command phpkey which will give you a 32 character long random string 🙂

Php Artisan Make Key Generate Account

How to&Answers:

The Laravel command is fairly simple. It just generates a random 32 character long string. You can do the same in Lumen. Just temporarily add a route like this:

Php Artisan Make

Then go to /key in your browser and copy paste the key into your .env file.
Afterwards remove the route.

Obviously you could also use some random string generator online. Like this one


Firstly, you have to register your key generator command, put this Lumen Key Generator Commands to app/Console/Commands/KeyGenerateCommand.php. To make this command available in artisan, change appConsoleKernel.php:

After that, configure your application so that IlluminateConfigRepository instance has app.key value. To do this, change bootstrap/app.php:

After that, copy your .env.example file to .env:

Ignore this step if you already use .env file. Free product key generator for windows 10 pro.

Enjoy you key:generate command via:


You may use Lumen Generator. It covers so much commands you are missing from Laravel.


An easy solution is just running PHP code from the terminal (without using tinker, because that is not available with Lumen):

It uses Laravel’s Str::random() function that makes use of the secure random_bytes() function.


For me the easiest way to generate a Lumen key is typing on console one of these commands:


openssl rand -base64 24

depending of your environment. In my case, I aways use date md5 on mac


The APP_KEY generation is a step of development process (I don’t think that creating temporarily routes is a practical way to do it). The function str_random can help us, but this function is part of Laravel/Lunmen framework.
I recommend running tinker

php artisan tinker

and then run the function

>>> str_random(32)

The result is the key you’re looking for.

Dec 12, 2013  In this tutorial I went through how to create key pairs from amazon AWS. I also generate private key pair using putty for our connection to the instance. Provides an EC2 key pair resource. A key pair is used to control login access to EC2 instances. Currently this resource requires an existing user-supplied key pair. This key pair's public key will be registered with AWS to allow logging-in to EC2 instances. When importing an existing key pair the public key material may be in any format. Generate key pair in aws. Generates a unique asymmetric data key pair. The GenerateDataKeyPair operation returns a plaintext public key, a plaintext private key, and a copy of the private key that is encrypted under the symmetric CMK you specify. You can use the data key pair to perform asymmetric cryptography outside of. Generate a key pair with a third-party tool of your choice. Save the public key to a local file. For example, /.ssh/ (Linux). If you created the key pair using AWS, the fingerprint is calculated using an SHA-1 hash function. If you created the key pair with. How to create an AWS access key for an existing IAM user. In the video on the right, Deren shows you how to create an access key ID for a new IAM user. I need an AWS access key to allow a program, script, or developer to have programmatic access to the resources on my AWS account. How do I create a new access key?

=> 'y3DLxnEczGWGN4CKUdk1S5GbMumU2dfH'


Simply use PHP CLI. Run this from your local or a remote command line to generate a random 32-character Lumen APP_KEY:

Output: bae48aba23b3e4395b7f1b484dd25192

Works with PHP 7.x on Mac and Windows.


To generate key and use laravel command you need to install one package. The details are as below:

  1. You have to install package composer require flipbox/lumen-generator
  2. You have to add $app->register(FlipboxLumenGeneratorLumenGeneratorServiceProvider::class); into bootstrap/app.php file.



I have used these commands:

The command generates a key similar to this:



All I do on mac is execute this command in the terminal:

This copies the value into the clipboard and so you can easily paste the key into the .env file.


Run php -a to start up interactive php playground.

Then run echo substr(md5(rand()), 0, 32); to generate a 32 character string.

You can then copy/paste into the .env file.


This answer was inspired by @thomas-venturini ‘s update to the question. Here’s a bash script that takes care of creating .env and updating it with an APP_KEY using the aforementioned PHP command and the UNIX sed command:

Hope someone finds this useful.


1.Open your terminal setup file:

2.Create an alias for generating random strings:

3.Get a key whenever you need:

You can also remove the third step by adding the key directly in .env using PHP.

Tags: phpphp